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Simply Red lyrics
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Croatian translation]
(Ako me dosad nisi upoznala) Ti me nikad, nikad, nikad nećeš poznavati, ooo Sve ono kroza što smo prošli Trebala bi me razumjeti Kao što ja tebe razum...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Dutch translation]
Als jij me nu nog niet kent zul je me nooit nooit nooit leren kennen Alle dingen die we doorgemaakt hebben Je zou me moeten begrijpen zoals ik jou beg...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [German translation]
(Wenn du mich jetzt immer noch nicht kennst) Wirst du mich niemals, niemals, niemals kennen Nach all dem, was wir miteinander durchgemacht haben, Soll...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [German translation]
(Wenn du mich mittlerweile immer noch nicht kennst) Wenn du mich mittlerweile immer noch nicht kennst, Whooooa All die Dinge die wir durchlebt haben, ...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Greek translation]
(Αν δεν με ξέρεις μέχρι τώρα) Δεν θα με μάθεις ποτέ ποτέ ποτέ Όλα όσα περάσαμε μαζί Πρέπει να με καταλαβαίνεις Όπως σε καταλαβαίνω Τώρα μωρό μου, ξέρω...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Hungarian translation]
(Ha még nem ismersz engem) Akkor soha, soha, de soha nem fogsz megismerni, Whooooa. Minden dolog, amit együtt átéltünk Meg kell értened Mint ahogyan m...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Persian translation]
(اگر تاکنون مرا نشناختی) هرگز، هرگز، هرگز نخواهی شناخت، وهووو با همه آنچه از سر گذروندیم بایستی درکم کنی همینطور که من درکت می‌کنم عزیزم حالا فرقش رو ...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Persian translation]
اگر تا حالا نتونستی منو بشناسی هیچوقت،هیچوقت،هیچوقت نمیتونی منو بشناسی تمام مشکلاتی که از سر گذروندیم باید منو فهمیده باشی همونطور که من تو رو فهمیدم ...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Portuguese translation]
(Se você não me conhecer agora) Você nunca, nunca, nunca, irá me conhecer, whoooa Todas as coisas que eu passei Você deve me entender Como eu te enten...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Romanian translation]
(Dacă nu mă cunoşti până acum) Nu mă vei cunoaşte niciodată, niciodată, niciodată Am trecut prin atâtea împreună, Ar trebui să mă înţelegi Aşa cum te ...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Serbian translation]
(Ako me nisi do sad upoznala) Nikad me, nikad me nećeš upoznati Posle svega što smo prošli Trebala bi me razumeti Kao što sam ja tebe razumeo Sada duš...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Spanish translation]
(Si a esta altura aún no me conoces) Nunca lo harás, nunca, nunca me conocerás, oh... Todas las cosas por las que hemos pasado Deberías entenderme Com...
If You Don't Know Me By Now [Turkish translation]
(Şimdiye kadar beni tanımıyorsan) Beni asla,asla,asla tanımıyacaksın, Whoooa Yaşadığımız her şey Benim seni anladığım gibi Beni anlamalısın Şimdi bebe...
Infidelity lyrics
When a man just can't be trusted And again he's gone and lost it Your call has been registered It'll be returned when I get back home I've been out lo...
Infidelity [Portuguese translation]
Quando não se pode confiar em um homem E mais uma vez ele foi embora e perdeu tudo Sua chamada foi registrada Ela será retornada quando eu chegar em c...
It's Only Love lyrics
It's only love It's only love Don't be afraid to touch me babe Girl let's be real There's nothing wrong with the way we're carrying on So enjoy and li...
It's Only Love [Greek translation]
Είναι μόνο αγάπη Είναι μόνο αγάπη Μη φοβάσαι να με αγγίξεις μωρό μου Κορίτσι μου ας είμαστε ειλικρινείς Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα κακό στον τρόπο που Προχωρά...
It's Only Love [Portuguese translation]
É só amor É só amor Não tenha medo de me tocar, querida Garota, vamos ser reais Não há nada errado com o jeito Em que estamos seguindo em frente Então...
It's Only Love [Romanian translation]
E doar dragoste E doar dragoste Nu te teme să mă atingi, iubire S-o spunem pe bune Nu-i nimic greşit cu felul în care o ducem Aşa că bucură-te şi trăi...
It's Only Love [Serbian translation]
To je samo ljubav To je samo ljubav Ne boj se da me dotakneš,dušo Curo,budimo iskreni Nema ništa loše u načinu na koji se ponašamo Stoga,uživaj i živi...
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