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Simply Red lyrics
Angel [Polish translation]
Znajdę sobie anioła Żeby ze mną odleciał Znajdę sobie anioła Który mnie wyzwoli Moje serce jest bezdomne Nie chcę być sam Znajdę sobie anioła W moim ż...
Angel [Portuguese translation]
Eu tenho que encontrar um anjo Para voar junto a mim Eu tenho que encontrar um anjo Que me libertará Meu coração está sem casa Eu não quero estar sozi...
Angel [Spanish translation]
Tengo que encontrame un ángel para que vuele conmigo. Tengo que encontrarme un ángel para que me libere. Mi corazón carece de un hogar. No quiero esta...
Back Into the Universe lyrics
This is your God... This is your God... This is your God... This is your God... As we wander back into the universe We render ourselves into a higher ...
Back Into the Universe [Portuguese translation]
Este é o seu Deus... Este é o seu Deus... Este é o seu Deus... Este é o seu Deus... Enquanto caminhamos de volta ao universo Nos projetamos em um plan...
Beside You lyrics
We follow the river down into the stream That's where my dream began I left my worries to the people who stare And dream without a care That I'd alway...
Beside You [Portuguese translation]
Nós seguimos o rio até o córrego Foi lá em que meu sonho começou Eu deixei minhas preocupações com quem olha E sonha sem o menor cuidado Que eu estari...
Blue lyrics
I'm blue, blue like a Monday morning Raised up in a way that I can value All the material things that I could ever really need don't matter So many wa...
Blue [Polish translation]
Jestem smutny, smutny jak poniedziałkowy poranek Cenię sposób w jaki się podniosłem Wszystkie materialne rzeczy, których mógłbym naprawdę potrzebować,...
Broken Man lyrics
Now I am a broken man, Now I am a broken man Now I am a broken man, Now I am a broken man It's no good being here with me I'm a little scared of the t...
Broken Man [Polish translation]
Teraz jestem załamanym człowiekiem, Teraz jestem załamanym człowiekiem Teraz jestem załamanym człowiekiem, Teraz jestem załamanym człowiekiem Niedobrz...
Come To My Aid lyrics
Come to my aid, you're sweet as everything Come to my aid, I'd give you anything I feel so betrayed by a people I love Come to my aid, it's you I'm th...
Daydreaming lyrics
I'm a believer, yes I am I do the very best I can You might say I'm a daydreamer Do you feel you're a daydreamer? In this world we're living in Our su...
Daydreaming [Portuguese translation]
Eu acredito, sim, eu acredito Eu faço o melhor que posso Talvez você diga que sonho acordado Você sente que sonho acordado? Nesse mundo em que vivemos...
Debris lyrics
I left you on the debris At the Sunday morning market You were sorting through the odds and ends You was looking for a bargain I heard your footsteps ...
Debris [Portuguese translation]
Te deixei na confusão No mercadinho de domingo de manhã Você estava conferindo as bugigangas Você estava procurando por uma barganha Ouvi seus passos ...
Enough lyrics
Alright, you're right Let's talk it over now Talk it over now I'm wrong, you're gone So you're serious Really serious You're saying I'm insane Oh that...
Enough [Polish translation]
Zgadza się, masz rację Omówmy to teraz Omówimy to teraz Nie mam racji, odchodzisz Więc mówisz poważnie Naprawdę poważnie Mówisz, że jestem obłąkany Oc...
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye lyrics
Ev'ry time we say goodbye I die a little Ev'ry time we say goodbye I wonder why a little Why the Gods above me who must be in the know Think so little...
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye [Polish translation]
Zawsze, kiedy się żegnamy, umieram odrobinę Zawsze, kiedy się żegnamy, zastanawiam się czemu odrobinę Czemu Bogowie w górze, którzy muszą wiedzieć Pom...
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