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Simply Red lyrics
[Open Up the] Red Box lyrics
Why don't you look at the price I'm paying Walk in, take a look inside I've moved back the tables and the chairs to the wall The valuable things I've ...
[Open Up the] Red Box [Portuguese translation]
Por que você não vê o preço que estou pagando Entre, dê uma olhada aqui dentro Eu já movi as mesas e as cadeiras para a parede As coisas valiosas que ...
[Open Up the] Red Box [Spanish translation]
¿Por qué no miras el precio que estoy pagando? Entra, échale un ojo. He vuelto a poner la mesa y las sillas contra la pared. Las cosas valiosas que tu...
A New Flame lyrics
I was bowled out I was sold down the river And her warm heart Would turn me forever She's turned me round A new flame has come And nothing she can do ...
A New Flame [Greek translation]
I was bowled out I was sold down the river And her warm heart Would turn me forever She's turned me round A new flame has come And nothing she can do ...
A New Flame [Portuguese translation]
I was bowled out I was sold down the river And her warm heart Would turn me forever She's turned me round A new flame has come And nothing she can do ...
A New Flame [Romanian translation]
I was bowled out I was sold down the river And her warm heart Would turn me forever She's turned me round A new flame has come And nothing she can do ...
A Song For You [German translation]
Ich war an so vielen Orten in meinem Leben und meinen Zeiten Ich sang sehr viele Lieder, ich machte einige schlechte Reime Ich lebte mein Leben auf de...
A Song For You [Greek translation]
Έχω πάει σε πολλά μέρη στο πέρας στην ζωής μου Έχω τραγουδήσει πολλά τραγούδια και έχω κάνει κάποιες κακίες ομοιοκαταληξίες Έχω παραστήσει όλη μου τη ...
A Song For You [Hungarian translation]
Olyan sok helyen jártam már az életemben és időmben Rengeteg dalt elénekeltem, írtam pár rossz rímet Kitártam már az életem a színpadon Miközben tízez...
A Song For You [Italian translation]
Sono stato in così tanti posti nella mia vita e nel mio tempo Ho cantato un sacco di canzoni ho fatto delle brutte rime Ho recitato la mia vita sui pa...
A Song For You [Portuguese translation]
Eu estive em vários lugares ao longo de minha vida Eu cantei várias canções, eu fiz algumas rimas ruins Eu atuei minha vida em palcos Com dez mil pess...
A Song For You [Romanian translation]
Am fost în foarte multe locuri, în viața mea Am cântat o mulțime de melodii, am scris câteva rime proaste Mi-am prezentat deja viața pe scenă În timp ...
A Song For You [Spanish translation]
Estuve en tantos lugares en mi vida y mi tiempo Canté muchas canciones, hice algunas rimas malas Actué mi vida en escenarios Con diez mil personas mir...
A Song For You [Turkish translation]
Hayatımda ve zamanında çok yerde bulundum Birçok şarkı söyledim bazı uyakları kötü yaptım Hayatımı sahnede oynadım On bin insan ile izlerken Ama biz ş...
Ain't That A Lot Of Love lyrics
I know the desert can't hold all the love that I feel in my heart for you If I could spread it out across the sea, I know my love would cork it up Ain...
Ain't That A Lot Of Love [Portuguese translation]
Eu sei que o deserto não pode ter todo o amor Que eu sinto por você em meu coração Se eu pudesse espalhá-lo pelo mar Sei que meu amor poderia engarraf...
Ain't That A Lot Of Love [Spanish translation]
Sé que el desierto no podría contener todo el amor que siento en micorazón por ti. Si pudiera extenderlo a través del mar, sé que mi amor lo taparía. ...
Angel lyrics
Gotta find me an angel To fly away with me Gotta find me an angel Who will set me free My heart is without a home I don't want to be alone Gotta find ...
Angel [Croatian translation]
Moram pronaći anđela, da odleti sa mnom. Moram pronaći anđela, koji će me osloboditi. Moje srce je bez doma, ne želim biti sam. Moram pronaći anđela, ...
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