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Joel Houston lyrics
Touch The Sky
What fortune lies beyond the stars Those dazzling heights too vast to climb I got so high to fall so far But I found heaven as love swept low My heart...
Touch The Sky [German translation]
What fortune lies beyond the stars Those dazzling heights too vast to climb I got so high to fall so far But I found heaven as love swept low My heart...
Joel Houston - Break Free
Would you believe me Would you listen if I told you that There is a love that makes a way And never holds us back PRE CHORUS: So won’t you break free ...
Break Free [Italian translation]
Would you believe me Would you listen if I told you that There is a love that makes a way And never holds us back PRE CHORUS: So won’t you break free ...
Break Free [Portuguese translation]
Would you believe me Would you listen if I told you that There is a love that makes a way And never holds us back PRE CHORUS: So won’t you break free ...
Break Free [Spanish translation]
Would you believe me Would you listen if I told you that There is a love that makes a way And never holds us back PRE CHORUS: So won’t you break free ...
Everyday lyrics
What to say, Lord? It's You who gave me life and I Can't explain just how Much You mean to me now That You have saved me, Lord I give all that I am to...
Everyday [Greek translation]
What to say, Lord? It's You who gave me life and I Can't explain just how Much You mean to me now That You have saved me, Lord I give all that I am to...
For This Cause lyrics
Hope has found its home within me Now that I've been found in you Let all I am be all you want me to be Cause all I want is more of you All I want is ...
For This Cause [Chinese translation]
Hope has found its home within me Now that I've been found in you Let all I am be all you want me to be Cause all I want is more of you All I want is ...
From the Inside Out lyrics
A thousand times I've failed Still your mercy remains And should I stumble again Still I'm caught in your grace Everlasting, Your light will shine whe...
From the Inside Out [Arabic translation]
لقد فشأخطأت لت آلاف المرات و ما زلت رحمتك و هل عليي أن أخطأ مجددا و أنا مغمور في نعمتك أبدي, نورك الساطع عندما تنطفئ بقية الأنوار لا ينتهي , مجدك الذي...
From the Inside Out [Chinese translation]
虽我失败千次 但祢仍怜悯我 即使我再跌倒 祢恩惠抓住我 祢的光亮 万事消失时仍发亮 祢的荣耀 胜过名誉永无止境 我心和我灵 全交托予祢 由内而外来烧尽我 让我紧守着 公义和赞美 由内而外来爱祢神 让我生命的目的 唯行祢旨意 教我放下自己 全心赞美祢 祢的光亮 万事消失时仍发亮 祢的荣耀 胜过名誉永无...
From the Inside Out [French translation]
Mille fois j'ai failli Encore ta merci demeure Et devrais-je trébucher à nouveau Encore je serais attrapé dans ta grâce Éternellement, ta lumière bril...
From the Inside Out [Hungarian translation]
Ezerszer elestem én, de te mégis szeretsz, És, ha újra elesnék, megtart kegyelmed. Örök fényed az idővel nem múlik el, Dicsőséged véget nem ér, nem sz...
From the Inside Out [Romanian translation]
O mie de ori am dat greş Şi totuşi mila Ta rămâne Şi chiar de-ar fi să mă poticnesc din nou Rămân prins în graţia Ta Nemuritoare, lumina Ta va străluc...
From the Inside Out [Russian translation]
Пусть падал тысячу раз Со мной милость Твоя И если много споткнусь, Ты удержишь меня Будет вечно сеять во тьме Твой яркий свет Бесконечно Твоя лишь сл...
From the Inside Out [Russian translation]
Тысячи раз я падал, Но Твоя милость всё та же И если я споткнусь снова Я всё ещё остаюсь в Твоей благодати. Вечный, Твой свет будет светить когда всё ...
From the Inside Out [Spanish translation]
Miles de veces he fallado pero tu misericordia persiste si tropezara de nuevo aún estaría atrapado en tu gracia Sempiterno, tu luz brillará cuando las...
From the Inside Out [Spanish translation]
Mil veces te falle, mas tu has sido fiel, Y si volviese a caer Tu gracia cubre mi ser, Dios eterno, !Tu luz por siempre brillara! Inifito, !Tu gloria ...
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