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Barry McGuire lyrics
Los Tijuana Five - Sueños de California
Siempre estaras En mi corazon. Y la ilusión De volverte haber. Tienes el amor Que yo quiero tener. California mia Algún dia volveré. Extrano tu calor ...
Eve of Destruction
The Eastern world, it is explodin', Violence flarin', bullets loadin' You're old enough to kill but not for votin' You don't believe in war, but what'...
Eve of Destruction [Croatian translation]
Istočni svijet, eksplodira, Nasilje bukti, metci se pune Dovoljno si star da ubiješ, ali ne i da glasuješ Ne vjeruješ u rat, kakav to pištolj nosiš I ...
Eve of Destruction [French translation]
Le Moyen Orient est en train d'exploser. La violence se déchaîne, on charge les armes. Tu es assez vieux pour tuer mais pas assez pour voter1. Tu ne c...
Eve of Destruction [German translation]
Die östliche Welt, sie explodiert Gewalt flammt auf, Kugeln werden geladen Du bist alt genug zum Töten, aber nicht zum Wählen Du glaubst nicht an den ...
Eve of Destruction [Hebrew translation]
העולם המזרחי, הוא מתפוצץ, האלימות מתנפנפת, הכדורים נטענים אתה זקן מספיק כדי להרוג אבל לא להצביע אתה לא מאמין במלחמה, אבל מהו האקדח שאתה מנופף בו? ואפי...
Eve of Destruction [Romanian translation]
Lumea Orientului explodează Violenţa e-n floare, gloanţe se-ncarcă Eşti destul de mare să omori, dar nu să votezi Nu crezi în război, dar ce-i cu arma...
Eve of Destruction [Spanish translation]
El bloque oriental está explotando, la violencia estalla y se cargan las balas, eres lo bastante joven para matar, pero no para votar. Si no crees en ...
Eve of Destruction [Swedish translation]
Österlandet1, det exploderar, Våldet flammar upp, patroner laddas Du är gammal nog för att döda, men inte för att rösta Du tror inte på krig, så varfö...
Child Of Our Times lyrics
Take your first look around And see the world you're coming into Ah, have a good cry I sympathize with you Ah, forever gone is your serenity For the f...
Cloudy Summer Afternoon [Raindrops] lyrics
On a cloudy summer afternoon We sat and waited for the raindrops Pitter patter of the raindrops Fell in love, fell in love Time was passing by the sha...
Greenback Dollar lyrics
Some people say I'm a no 'count. Others say I'm no good. But I'm just a nat'ral-born travelin' man, doin' what I think I should, O, yeah. Doin' what I...
What's Exactly The Matter With Me? lyrics
Why do I deny all that's accepted true? Why can't I live my life like I'm expected to? Get a college degree, buy colour TV? Oh what's exactly the mate...
You Never Had It So Good lyrics
I know you think I won't amount to anything, You keep reminding me I'll never have the means To buy you fancy clothes And treat you like I said some d...
You Were On My Mind lyrics
When I woke up this morning And you were on my mind. You were on my mind I got troubles, woe-woe I got worries, woe-woe I got wounds to bind. So I wen...
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