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Stevie Wonder featuring lyrics
Brian Wilson - God Only Knows [BBC Music]
I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you You never need to doubt it I'll make you so sure about it God only knows what I'd be w...
My Love lyrics
My love is warmer than a smile My love gives to every needing child If anyone should ask you who's my true love Tell them my love true is ever letting...
My Love [French translation]
Mon amour est plus doux qu'un sourire Mon amour donne à chaque enfant qui est dans le besoin Si quelqu'un te demande qui est mon véritable amour Dis l...
My Love [Hungarian translation]
A szeretetem melengetőbb egy mosolynál A szeretetem kapja minden rászoruló gyermek Ha valaki kérdezi ki az igazi szerelmem Mond el nekik az igazi szer...
Just Good Friends lyrics
[Stevie] Na Na Na-Na Na Na Na Nah! [Michael] Hoo Hoo! Dancin'-Hee! Doggone Lover! [Stevie] C'mon Boy [Michael] I Watched You On The Floor Cheek To Che...
Finish Line lyrics
[Verse 1: Elton John] You, oh you Are still a beauty to behold You’ve been my muse Every story that I’ve told Oh, take me back some years To when we w...
Finish Line [Dutch translation]
Elton John: Jij bent nog steeds een schoonheid om te zien Je was mijn muze Elk verhaal dat ik heb verteld Breng me een aantal jaren terug in de tijd N...
Finish Line [Thai translation]
[Verse 1: Elton John] You, oh you โอ้ คุณยังคงสวยงามน่าจับตามอง คุณคือแรงบันดาลใจของฉันมาตลอด ทุกเรื่องราวที่ฉันได้พูดถึง โอ้ พาฉันย้อนเวลากลับไปหลายป...
Finish Line [Turkish translation]
Sen, ah sen Hala görülmesi gereken bir güzelliksin Benim esin kaynağımdın Anlattığım her hikayede Götür beni geri Korku olmadan genç olduğumuz yıllara...
Ebony and Ivory [German translation]
Ebenholz und Elfenbein leben zusammen in perfekter Harmonie Seite an Seite auf meiner Klaviertastatur. Oh Herrgott, warum tun wir das nicht? Wir wisse...
Ebony and Ivory [Hungarian translation]
Éjsötét és hófehér, tudjuk: egymás nélkül mit sem ér. Mint a zongorahangok összefognak a dallamért. Bárhol is jársz, az emberek közt mindig embert tal...
Ebony and Ivory [Portuguese translation]
Negro e branco Vivemos juntos em perfeita harmonia Lado a lado no meu teclado de piano Oh Senhor, por que não nós? Todos sabemos Que as pessoas são as...
Ebony and Ivory [Romanian translation]
Abanos şi fildeş trăiesc împreună în armonie perfectă de-o parte şi de alta a claviaturii mele O, Dumnezeu, de ce nu? Noi toţi ştim că oamenii-s la fe...
Ebony and Ivory [Russian translation]
Черное и белое Нашу жизнь гармоничной делают Мир всегда среди клавиш будет Люди, нам бы так ! Мы похожи Известно всем давно хоть и разный цвет кожи В ...
Ebony and Ivory [Serbian translation]
Abonos i Slonovaca Zive zajedno u savrsenoj harmoniji Dirka uz dirku na mom klaviru O, Gospode, zasto ne bismo i mi? Svi znamo Da ljudi su isti kuda g...
How Come, How Long
There was a girl I used to know She was oh so beautiful But she's not here anymore She had a college degree Smart as anyone could be Had so much to li...
How Come, How Long [Dutch translation]
Er was een meisje dat ik kende Ze was oh zo mooi Maar ze is hier niet meer Ze had een diploma Slim als iemand ooit kon zijn Had zoveel om voor te leve...
How Come, How Long [Romanian translation]
Era o fată pe care o ştiam, Era, o,aşa de frumoasă, Dar acum nu mai e aici. Avea o diplomă de licenţă, Era cât se poate de deşteaptă, Avea atâtea moti...
How Come, How Long [Serbian translation]
Postojala je devojka koju sam nekad poznavao Oh bila je tako lepa Ali više ovde nije Imala je diplomu koledža Pametna kao što bi svako mogao biti Imal...
Let's Get Serious
Close my eyes, and I see your face at night Toss and turn, fall to sleep holding my pillow tight All the time I think of you, you're with me no matter...
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