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Burl Ives also performed lyrics
Stan Jones - [Ghost] Riders in the Sky
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky [German translation]
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky [Hebrew translation]
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky [Russian translation]
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
Johnny Cash - Ghost Riders in the Sky
An old cowboy went riding out One dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested As he went along his way When all at once a mighty herd Of red eyed cows h...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Croatian translation]
Autor: Johnny Cash Naslov pjesme: Ghost Riders In The Sky Stari kauboj izjahao je jednog tamnog i vjetrovitog dana Na uzvisini je odmarao pa krenuo da...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [German translation]
Ein alter Cowboy ritt hinaus, Der Tag war dunkel, stark der Wind. Auf einer Höhe machte er Rast, Nahm weiter dann seinen Weg, Als er plötzlich am wild...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Hungarian translation]
Egy öreg cowboy kilovagolt Egy sötét, szeles napon A hegygerincen megpihent Ahogy haladt az úton Mikor hirtelen egy csordát látott Vörösszemű teheneke...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Italian translation]
Un vecchio cowboy stava cavalcando un giorno buio e tempestoso si fermò al passo mentre andava per la sua strada quando tutto ad un tratto vide una po...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Portuguese translation]
Um velho vaqueiro foi montar em um dia escuro e ventoso No céu, porém, a noite ficou rubra num clarão E viu passar num fogaréu um rebanho com olhos ve...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Russian translation]
Тем ветреным ненастным днем старик-ковбой пустился в путь, на горный кряж взойдя с конем, решил передохнуть. Вдруг видит, что небесный кров от края и ...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Russian translation]
Ковбой однажды ехал В мрачный с ветром день, Попутно отдыхал он В дали от деревень, Тогда увидел стадо он Пылающих коров, Неслись они, как тучи, Скрыв...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Russian translation]
В ненастный день ковбой в годах верхом пустился в путь. Чтоб ехать дальше, на хребте решил он отдохнуть. Как стадо красноглазых вдруг коров он увидал....
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Russian translation]
Старый ковбой отправился верхом В один пасмурный, дождливый день Он остановился передохнуть На горном перевале по пути Как вдруг увидел огромное стадо...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Serbian translation]
Stari kauboj izašao je da jaše Jednog tamnog i vjetrovitog dana Na grebenu se odmorio I nastavio sa svojim putem Kad odjednom moćno stado Krava crveni...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [Spanish translation]
Un viejo vaquero salió a montar en un día negroy ventoso Sobre una cresta descansomientras iba en camino Cuando de repente él vioun santo rebaño de va...
American Folk - Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
"O bury me not on the lone prairie." These words came low and mournfully From the pallid lips of the youth who lay On his dying bed at the close of da...
Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie [German translation]
"O bury me not on the lone prairie." These words came low and mournfully From the pallid lips of the youth who lay On his dying bed at the close of da...
Roger Whittaker - Foggy Foggy Dew
When I was a bachelor, I lived all alone And I worked to do weaver's trade And the only, only thing that I ever did wrong Was to woo a fair young maid...
Foggy Foggy Dew [German translation]
Als ich ein Junggeselle war, lebte ich ganz allein Und ich arbeitete im Webergeschäft Und das einzige, das einzige, was ich falsch machte War, zu umwe...
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