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Nina Simone also performed lyrics
The Band - I Shall Be Released
They say everything can be replaced They say every distance is not near So I remember every face Of every man who put me here I see my light come shin...
I Shall Be Released [German translation]
Man sagt, dass alles ersetzt werden kann, Man sagt, keine Entfernung ist dasselbe wie Nähe. Also erinnere ich mich an jedes Gesicht Eines jeden, der m...
I Shall Be Released [Italian translation]
Si dice che ogni cosa può essere sostituita, si dice che ogni distanza non è vicina così ricordo ogni faccia di ogni uomo che mi ha messo qui. Vedo la...
I Shall Be Released [Persian translation]
میگن همه چیز رو میشه جایگزین کرد میگن هر فاصله‌ای نزدیک نیست منم به خاطر میسپارم چهره‌ی تک تک کسایی که منو به اینجا رسوندن درخشش نورم رو میبینم از غرب...
I Shall Be Released [Romanian translation]
Se spune că totul se poate înlocui se spune că fiece distanţă e departe Aşa că îmi amintesc fiecare chip al fiecăruia care m-a adus aici Îmi văd lumin...
I Shall Be Released [Turkish translation]
Her şeyin değiştirilebileceğini söylüyorlar Her mesafenin yakın olmadığını söylüyorlar Bu yüzden her yüzü hatırlıyorum Beni buraya getiren her erkeğin...
Bob Dylan - Just Like a Woman
Nobody feels any pain Tonight as I stand inside the rain Ev'rybody knows That Baby's got new clothes But lately I see her ribbons and her bows Have fa...
Just Like a Woman [Dutch translation]
Niemand voelt pijn als ik vanavond in de regen sta. Iedereen weet, die schat heeft nieuwe kleren Maar nu zie ik dat haar linten en haar strikken uit h...
Just Like a Woman [French translation]
Personne ne ressent la moindre douleur Alors que je me tiens dans la pluie ce soir, Tout le monde sait Que Bébé a de nouveaux vêtements Mais dernièrem...
Just Like a Woman [German translation]
Niemand fühlt Schmerzen heute abend, während ich im Regen stehe jeder weiß dass Baby neue Anziehsachen hat aber in letzter Zeit habe ich gesehen, dass...
Just Like a Woman [Greek translation]
Κανείς δε νιώθει πόνο Απόψε καθώς στέκομαι μέσα στην βροχή Όλοι ξέρουν Ότι το μωρό πήρε καινούρια ρούχα Αλλά τελευταία, βλέπω τις κορδέλες τις και του...
Just Like a Woman [Italian translation]
Nessuno soffre stanotte Quanto me qui sotto la pioggia Tutti sanno una cosa: Ha un nuovo look la piccola Ma è da poco che ho visto nastri e fiocchi La...
If I Should Lose You lyrics
If I should lose you The stars would fall from the sky If I should lose you The leaves would wither and die The birds in May-time Would sing a mournfu...
If I Should Lose You [Dutch translation]
Als ik jou zou verliezen Dan zouden de sterren uit de hemel vallen Als ik jou zou verliezen Dan zouden de bladeren verwelken en afsterven In mei zoude...
If I Should Lose You [Russian translation]
Если я должна потерять тебя Тогда звёзды с неба упали бы Если я должна потерять тебя Тогдавсе листья завяли бы Птицы бы в мае месяце Спели бы свои гру...
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell on You
I put a spell on you because you're mine You better stop the things that you do I ain't lyin', no, I ain't lyin' I just can't stand it babe The way yo...
I Put a Spell on You [Finnish translation]
I put a spell on you because you're mine You better stop the things that you do I ain't lyin', no, I ain't lyin' I just can't stand it babe The way yo...
I Put a Spell on You [Swedish translation]
I put a spell on you because you're mine You better stop the things that you do I ain't lyin', no, I ain't lyin' I just can't stand it babe The way yo...
I Put a Spell on You [Serbian translation]
Začarao sam te jer si moja bolje da prestaneš sa stvarima koje radiš rekao sam: pazi ne lažem neću primiti ništa od tvojih gluposti neću primiti ništa...
I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free
I wish I knew how It would feel to be free I wish I could break All the chains holding me I wish I could say All the things that I should say Say 'em ...
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