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Misfits lyrics
Helena [Greek translation]
Αν σου κόψω τα χέρια και τα πόδια Θα με αγαπούσες ούτως ή άλλως; Αν είσαι δεμένη και φιμωμένη, καλυμμένη και εκτεθειμένη Θα με αγαπούσες ούτως ή άλλως...
Helena [Portuguese translation]
Se eu cortar seus braços e cortar suas pernas Você ainda me amaria de qualquer jeito? Se você estivesse obrigada e estivesse amordaçada, drapeada e à ...
Helena [Serbian translation]
Ako ti odsečem noge i ruke Da li bi me još uvek volela? Ako si vezana i ne možeš pričati,umotana Da li me još uopšte voliš? Zašto me uopšte ne voliš? ...
Helena [Spanish translation]
Si corto tus brazos y corto tus piernas Aún me amarías de todos modos? Sí estás atada y atragantada, envuelta y presentada Aún me amarías de todos mod...
Helena [Turkish translation]
Eğer kollarını ve bacaklarını kesersem Ne olursa olsun beni sevmeye devam eder miydin? Eğer seni mahkum etsem ve ağzını tıkasam, sarmalasam ve soysam ...
Helena [Turkish translation]
Eğer kollarını ve bacaklarını kessem Beni hala sevmeye devam eder miydin? Eğer bağlanmış ve ağzı tıkanmış olsan, üstü örtülüce sergilenen Beni hala se...
Helena 2 lyrics
If I cut off your arms and cut off your legs Would you still love me anyway? If you're bound and you're gagged, draped and displayed Would you still l...
Helena/Kong Unleashed lyrics
If I cut off your arms and cut off your legs Would you still love me anyway? If you're bound and you're gagged, draped and displayed Would you still l...
Hell Night lyrics
Thirteen have come and gone Crimson death, crimson blood Rise from Hell, it's fire burns everywhere Thirteen, the spell's begun Summon up the devil's ...
Hellhound lyrics
got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna rip your face off got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna be there in the way got a hellhound born you s...
Hollywood Babylon lyrics
Who came along for the ride Hey, you can't come inside Do the citizens kneel for sex It's heaven cumming on her chest Hollywood Babylon Hollywood Baby...
Horror Business lyrics
[Verse 1] Too much horror business Driving late at night Psycho '78 My bathroom is new You, you don't go in the bathroom with me Psycho '78 12 o'clock...
Hunting Humans lyrics
Upon this threshold of disaster The birth of the eleventh plague The fires burn at night, I begin to doubt the smell of burning flesh Will ever fade a...
Hunting Humans [Spanish translation]
Sobre este umbral de desastre El nacimiento de la onceava plaga Los fuegos arden por la noche, me empiezo a preguntar si el olor a carne quemada Jamás...
Hybrid Moments lyrics
If you're gonna scream, scream with me Moments like this never last When do creatures rape your face Hybrids opened up the door Ooh baby when you cry ...
Hybrid Moments [Greek translation]
Αν είναι να ουρλιάξεις, ας ουρλιάξουμε μαζί, Στιγμές σαν και αυτή δεν κρατούν πολύ, Όταν πλάσματα βιάσουν το πρόσωπο σου, (Υβρίδια)* άνοιξαν την πόρτα...
Hybrid Moments [Hungarian translation]
Ha sikoltani fogsz, sikíts velem! Az efféle pillanatoknak sosincs vége! Mikor a szörnyek megcsonkítják az arcod, a korcsok felnyitják az ajtókat. Óh b...
Hybrid Moments [Italian translation]
Se stai per gridare, grida con me Momenti come questi non durano mai Quando le creature ti violentano il viso Gli Ibridi hanno aperto la porta Ooh tes...
Hybrid Moments [Serbian translation]
Ako ćeš vrištati,vrišti sa mnom Trenutci kao ovaj nikada ne prolaze Kada stvorenja siluju tvoje lice Hibridi otvaraju vrata Ooh bejbi kada plačeš To j...
I Got A Right lyrics
Ow Yeah I got a right Ow Any time I want, I got a right to vote No matter what they say Any time I want, I got a right to vote No matter what they say...
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